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Installation of TimescaleDB

In this section, we'll walk through the process of setting up TimescaleDB using Docker for the QuantJourney framework. TimescaleDB, an extension of PostgreSQL optimized for time-series data, offers efficient storage and querying capabilities crucial for storing and analyzing high-frequency trading data.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Docker installed and running on your system
  • Basic knowledge of the command line interface (CLI)

Step 1: Prepare the Installation Script

Create a new file named and copy the following content into it:


# Define the host directory where data will be stored

# Database configuration

# ... (rest of the script)

Important: Before running the script, modify the following variables according to your preferences:

  • HOST_DATA_DIR: Set this to the directory where you want to store the TimescaleDB data on your host machine.
  • DB_PASSWORD: Choose a secure password for your database.
  • DB_USER: Set your preferred database username.
  • DB_NAME: Set your preferred database name.
  • DB_PORT: Change this if you want to use a different port (default is 5432).
  • TABLE_NAME: Change this if you want to use a different name for the main table.

Step 2: Make the Script Executable

In the terminal, navigate to the directory containing the script and run:

chmod +x

This command gives execute permissions to the script.

Step 3: Run the Installation Script

Execute the script by running:


The script will perform the following actions:

  1. Check if Docker is installed and running.
  2. Create necessary directories and files.
  3. Start the TimescaleDB container using Docker Compose.
  4. Initialize the database schema with the intraday table and necessary indexes.
  5. Create roles for read-only and read-write access.
  6. Insert a sample record to verify the setup.

Step 4: Verify the Installation

After the script completes, it will display connection information. You should see output similar to:

TimescaleDB setup complete. You can connect to the database on localhost:5432
Database: quantjp
User: jakub
Password: PaSsWoRd
Table: intraday
Please save this information securely and update your application configuration.

You can connect to the database using the following command:
psql -d "postgres://jakub:PaSsWoRd@localhost:5432/quantjp"

Make sure to save this information securely, as you'll need it to configure your application.

Step 5: Connect to TimescaleDB

You can connect to the database using the psql command provided in the script output. This will allow you to interact with the database directly and run SQL queries.

Usage in QuantJourney

The intraday table is set up with the following schema:

    symbol TEXT NOT NULL,
    volume BIGINT NOT NULL,
    conditions INTEGER[],
    dark_pool BOOLEAN,
    market_state TEXT,
    data_source TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (time, symbol, data_source)

This table is optimized for storing time-series data, with automatic partitioning and indexing for efficient querying.

In your QuantJourney application, you can use the batch_insert_worker method to efficiently insert data into the database:

async def batch_insert_worker(self):
    batch = []
    while self.is_active:
            symbol, data = await self.batch_insert_queue.get()
            batch.append((symbol, data))

            if len(batch) >= 100 or (len(batch) > 0 and self.batch_insert_queue.empty()):
                async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn:
                    await conn.executemany('''
                        INSERT INTO intraday (time, symbol, price, volume)
                        VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
                    ''', [(datetime.fromtimestamp(d['t']), s, d['p'], d['v']) for s, d in batch])
      "Inserted batch of {len(batch)} records into database")
                batch = []
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error in batch insert: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)

This batch insert approach minimizes the number of database connections and transactions, significantly improving insert performance.


Youve now successfully set up TimescaleDB for your QuantJourney framework. This setup provides efficient storage and querying capabilities for your time-series data, enabling more accurate backtesting and strategy refinement. Remember to update your application's configuration with the database connection details provided by the installation script.