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Base Strategy Class for Backtesting Framework

Date: 27-02-2024 & 01-04-2024

This documentation outlines the base class for all trading strategies in the Qlib framework. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for data management, signal generation, risk management, and much more, facilitating rigorous and detailed backtesting of trading strategies.

Base Strategy Class

The BaseStrategy class is an abstract base class for all trading strategies, providing shared utilities and structure.


Initializes the strategy with configuration and optional parameters.

Parameter Type Description Default
config_file_path str Path to the configuration JSON file. None
**kwargs dict Optional keyword arguments for extra settings. None

Key Methods


Loads the strategy's state from a file.

Parameter Type Description
file_name str The name of the file to load from.


Saves the strategy's state to a file.

Parameter Type Description
file_name str The name of the file to save to.


Executes the trading strategy across a defined range of trading dates.

Parameter Type Description
verbose bool Prints detailed logs if set to True.


Prepares data for the backtesting process by fetching market data, calculating returns, and more.


The strategy class integrates multiple components from the QuantJP backtesting engine:

  • DataManager: Manages data retrieval and preprocessing.
  • SignalGenerator: Generates trading signals based on technical indicators.
  • RiskManagement: Manages risk and adjusts trading positions accordingly.
  • PortfolioOptimizer: Optimizes the portfolio to achieve the best performance based on given constraints.
  • PerformanceAnalytics: Analyzes and reports on the performance of the strategy.

Unit Tests

Test Case Description
IDENTIFY_REGIME Tests the market regime identification component.
COMPUTE_INDICATORS Tests the computation of technical indicators.
GENERATE_SIGNALS Tests the generation of trading signals.
PREPROCESS_STRATEGIES Tests the preprocessing of strategy parameters.
PREPROCESS_MARKET_REGIME Tests preprocessing of market regime data.
GENERATE_DAILY_TRANSACTIONS Tests the generation of daily transactions.
CALCULATE_TRANSACTION_COSTS Tests the calculation of transaction costs.
RUN_SIMULATION Tests the complete simulation process.
RUN_STRATEGY Tests the execution of the strategy with real data.


To run a unit test for identifying the market regime:

```python unit_test = UnitTests.IDENTIFY_REGIME run_unit_test(unit_test)