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Module Information

Description: YFinance Connector of QuantJourney Framework

This connector facilitates the fetching of historical stock data from Yahoo Finance. It uses the yfinance library to fetch historical OHLCV data for a list of stock tickers. And is optimized for asynchronous fetching of data for multiple tickers, with a concurrency limit.

Attributes: semaphore (asyncio.Semaphore): A semaphore to control the concurrency limit of the requests.

Parameters: MAX_RETRIES = 3 MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 10 # Concurrency limit

Author: jpolec

Date: 18-03-2024

Class: YFinanceConnector()

Method: async_get_ohlcv

def async_get_ohlcv(
            tickers: List[str],
            exchanges: List[str],
            period_starts: List[datetime],
            period_ends: List[datetime],
            granularity: str
        ) -> List[pd.DataFrame]

Get historical OHLCV data for a list of stock tickers asynchronously.


dfs = await async_get_ohlcv(
tickers=["AAPL", "GOOGL", "MSFT"],
exchanges=["NAS", "NAS", "NAS"],

Testing async_get_ohlcv with tickers: ['AAPL', 'GOOGL', 'MSFT', 'AMZN', 'FB', 'TSLA', 'NVDA', 'JPM', 'V', 'PYPL']
DataFrame shape: (251, 6)
datetime        open        high         low       close  \
0 2022-01-03 05:00:00+00:00  175.597058  180.583650  175.478569  179.724564
1 2022-01-04 05:00:00+00:00  180.336790  180.642895  176.870854  177.443573
2 2022-01-05 05:00:00+00:00  177.354683  177.907649  172.447089  172.723572
3 2022-01-06 05:00:00+00:00  170.531463  173.098822  169.484776  169.840256
4 2022-01-07 05:00:00+00:00  170.719078  171.953382  168.882433  170.008118


Name Type Description
tickers List[str] A list of stock ticker symbols.
exchanges List[str] A list of stock exchange symbols corresponding to each ticker.
period_starts List[datetime] A list of start dates for the historical data query.
period_ends List[datetime] A list of end dates for the historical data query.
granularity str The granularity of the data ('1m', '2m', '5m', etc. up to '3mo').


Type Description
List[pd.DataFrame] A list of pandas DataFrames containing the historical stock data for each ticker.

Method: _run_with_semaphore

def _run_with_semaphore(
        ) -> pd.DataFrame

Runs a function with a semaphore to limit the concurrency of requests. Supportive function for async_get_ohlcv - used in SEMAPHORE (self.semaphore) context manager. So no more than MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS requests are made at a time. Parameters:

Name Type Description
func None The function to run.
args None The arguments to pass to the function.


Type Description
pd.DataFrame The result of the function.

Method: get_current_ohlcv_price

def get_current_ohlcv_price(
            ticker: str
        ) -> Optional[float]

Fetches the current price of a given stock ticker using Yahoo Finance.


current_price = get_current_ohlcv_price("AAPL")


Name Type Description
ticker str The stock ticker symbol.


Type Description
Optional[float] The current price of the stock, or None if the price is not available.

Method: get_history

def get_history(
            ticker: str,
            period_start: datetime,
            period_end: datetime,
            granularity: str,
            tries: int = 0
        ) -> pd.DataFrame

Function to fetch historical data for a given stock ticker using Yahoo Finance's history function.


df = get_history("AAPL", datetime(2022, 1, 1), datetime(2022, 12, 31), "1d")

Testing get_history with ticker: AAPL
DataFrame shape: (251, 6)
datetime        open        high         low       close  \
0 2022-01-03 05:00:00+00:00  175.597058  180.583650  175.478569  179.724564
1 2022-01-04 05:00:00+00:00  180.336790  180.642895  176.870854  177.443573
2 2022-01-05 05:00:00+00:00  177.354683  177.907649  172.447089  172.723572
3 2022-01-06 05:00:00+00:00  170.531463  173.098822  169.484776  169.840256
4 2022-01-07 05:00:00+00:00  170.719078  171.953382  168.882433  170.008118


Name Type Description
ticker str The stock ticker symbol.
tickermeta str Additional metadata string to append to the ticker for specific queries.
period_start datetime The start date for the historical data query.
period_end datetime The end date for the historical data query.
granularity str The granularity of the data ('1m', '2m', '5m', etc. up to '3mo').
tries int, optional Current count of retry attempts. Defaults to 0.


Type Description
pd.DataFrame In case of an empty result or failure after retries, returns an empty DataFrame.