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Module Information

Description: Oanda Data Connector of QuantJourney Framework

This script contains the OandaConnector class, which is used to interact with the Oanda API. The class provides methods to fetch account information, instruments, and historical OHLCV data.


Author: jpolec

Date: 18-03-2024

Class: OandaConnector()

Method: get_account_summary

def get_account_summary() -> Dict

Retrieve the summary for the Oanda account.


Type Description
Dict The account summary.

Method: get_account_details

def get_account_details() -> Dict

Retrieve the details for the Oanda account.


Type Description
Dict The account details.

Method: get_account_instruments

def get_account_instruments() -> Dict

Retrieve the instruments for the Oanda account.


Type Description
Dict The account instruments.

Method: fetch_data

def fetch_data(
            url: str,
        ) -> Dict

Asynchronously fetch data from the Oanda API. Parameters:

Name Type Description
url str The URL to fetch data from.
session None The aiohttp ClientSession object.


Type Description
Dict The JSON response from the API.

Method: async_get_ohlcv

def async_get_ohlcv(
            tickers: List[str],
            exchanges: List[str],
            granularity: str,
            period_starts: List[str],
            period_ends: List[str]
        ) -> List[pd.DataFrame]

Asynchronously fetches OHLCV data from OANDA for a given list of tickers and exchanges. Parameters:

Name Type Description
tickers List[str] List of stock tickers.
exchanges List[str] List of stock exchanges corresponding to tickers.
granularity str Time period ('5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '1d').
period_starts List[str] List of start dates for each ticker's data retrieval period.
period_ends List[str] List of end dates for each ticker's data retrieval period.


Type Description
List[pd.DataFrame] List of pandas DataFrames containing the historical stock data for each ticker.

Method: format_date

def format_date(
        ) ->

Format the date in the Oanda series data. Parameters:

Name Type Description
series str The series data from Oanda.


Type Description The formatted date.

Method: get_ohlcv

def get_ohlcv(
            ticker: str,
            exchange: str,
            granularity: str,
            period_start: str = "",
            period_end: str = "",
            period_days: int = 1000
        ) -> pd.DataFrame

Get historical OHLCV data from OANDA. Parameters:

Name Type Description
ticker str The stock ticker symbol.
exchange str The stock exchange.
granularity str Time period ('5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '1d').
period_start str The start date for the historical data query.
period_end str The end date for the historical data query.
period_days int The number of days to fetch data for.


Type Description
pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing the historical stock data

Method: get_cfd_leverage

def get_cfd_leverage(
        ) -> float

Get the leverage factor for a given CFD instrument. Parameters:

Name Type Description
ticker str The CFD instrument ticker.


Type Description
float The leverage factor.

Method: get_cfd_marginrate

def get_cfd_marginrate(
        ) -> float

Get the margin rate for a given CFD instrument. Parameters:

Name Type Description
ticker str The CFD instrument ticker.


Type Description
float The margin rate.

Method: get_cfd_tickvalue

def get_cfd_tickvalue(
        ) -> float

Get the tick value for a given CFD instrument. Parameters:

Name Type Description
ticker str The CFD instrument ticker.


Type Description
float The tick value.