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Module Information

Description: Crypto Assets class for QuantJourney Framework

This module is responsible for managing cryptocurrency assets for quantitative analysis and algorithmic trading. It has methods to fetch prices and other data from various cryptocurrency exchanges using the CCXT library. You can use it with any exchange, but currently 'binance' and 'coinbase' are implemented below.

Author: jpolec

Date: 18-03-2024

Class: Crypto()

Method: get_exchange_symbols

def get_exchange_symbols(
            exchange: str ='binance'
        ) -> list

Get all available symbols for an exchange.


symbols = dc.crypto.get_exchange_symbols('binance')
symbols = dc.crypto.get_exchange_symbols('coinbase')

Exchange symbols: ['ETH/BTC', 'LTC/BTC', 'BNB/BTC', 'NEO/BTC', 'QTUM/ETH', 'EOS/ETH', 'SNT/ETH',


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange


Type Description
list list of all available symbols

Method: get_latest_price

def get_latest_price(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str
        ) -> Optional[float]

Get the latest price of a given symbol on a given exchange.


btc_price = dc.crypto.get_latest_price('binance', 'BTC/USDT')
eth_price = dc.crypto.get_latest_price('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT')


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')


Type Description
Optional[float] the latest price of the symbol on the specified exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_account_balance

def get_account_balance(
            exchange: str
        ) -> Optional[Dict[str, float]]

Get the account balance for a given exchange.


binance_balance = dc.crypto.get_account_balance('binance')
coinbase_balance = dc.crypto.get_account_balance('coinbase')


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')


Type Description
Optional[Dict[str, float]] the account balance on the specified exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: place_market_order

def place_market_order(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            side: str,
            amount: float
        ) -> Optional[ccxt.Order]

Place a market order on a given exchange.


buy_order = dc.crypto.place_market_order('binance', 'BTC/USDT', 'buy', 0.1)
sell_order = dc.crypto.place_market_order('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', 'sell', 1.5)


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
side str the side of the order ('buy' or 'sell')
amount float the amount of the asset to buy or sell


Type Description
Optional[ccxt.Order] the placed market order, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_order_book

def get_order_book(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            limit: int = 5
        ) -> Optional[Dict]

Get the order book for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_order_book = dc.crypto.get_order_book('binance', 'BTC/USDT', limit=10)
coinbase_order_book = dc.crypto.get_order_book('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', limit=5)

Order book: {'symbol': 'BTC/USDT', 'bids': [[57462.3, 2.331], [57462.2, 0.07], [57462.0, 0.075],
[57461.3, 0.042], [57461.2, 0.07]], 'asks': [[57462.4, 1.993], [57462.5, 0.003], [57462.6, 0.003],
[57462.7, 0.003], [57462.8, 0.098]], 'timestamp': 1714626869768, 'datetime': '2024-05-02T05:14:29.768Z',
'nonce': 4535218558049}


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
limit int the depth of the order book (default: 5)


Type Description
Optional[Dict] the order book for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_market_structure

def get_market_structure(
            exchange: str,
            ticker: str
        ) -> Optional[Dict]

Get the market structure for a given ticker on an exchange.


binance_market_structure = dc.crypto.get_market_structure('binance', 'BTC/USDT')
coinbase_market_structure = dc.crypto.get_market_structure('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT')


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
ticker str the trading ticker (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')


Type Description
Optional[Dict] the market structure for the specified ticker on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_tickers

def get_tickers(
            exchange: str,
            symbols: List[str] = None
        ) -> Optional[Dict]

Get the tickers for a specific exchange.


binance_tickers = dc.crypto.get_tickers('binance')
coinbase_tickers = dc.crypto.get_tickers('coinbase', symbols=['BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT'])


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbols str a list of symbols to retrieve tickers for (default: None)


Type Description
Optional[Dict] a dictionary of tickers for the specified exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_trades

def get_trades(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            since: int = None,
            limit: int = None
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the recent trades for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_trades = dc.crypto.get_trades('binance', 'BTC/USDT', since=1647580800000, limit=1000)
coinbase_trades = dc.crypto.get_trades('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', limit=500)


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
since int the timestamp (in milliseconds) to start retrieving trades from (default: None)
limit int the maximum number of trades to retrieve (default: None)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of recent trades for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_funding_rates

def get_funding_rates(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            start_time: int = None,
            end_time: int = None,
            limit: int = 1000
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the funding rates for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_funding_rates = dc.crypto.get_funding_rates('binance', 'BTC/USDT', start_time=1620000000000, end_time=1621000000000, limit=500)
coinbase_funding_rates = dc.crypto.get_funding_rates('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', limit=200)


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
start_time int the start timestamp (default: None)
end_time int the end timestamp (default: None)
limit int the maximum number of funding rates to retrieve (default: 1000)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of funding rates for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_open_interest

def get_open_interest(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            period: str,
            limit: int = 500
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the open interest for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_open_interest = dc.crypto.get_open_interest('binance', 'BTC/USDT', '5m', limit=400)
coinbase_open_interest = dc.crypto.get_open_interest('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', '1h', limit=300)

Open interest: [{'symbol': 'BTC/USDT:USDT', 'baseVolume': 74055.805, 'quoteVolume': 4419354219.18,
'openInterestAmount': 74055.805, 'openInterestValue': 4419354219.18, 'timestamp': 1714506900000,
'datetime': '2024-04-30T19:55:00.000Z', 'info': {'symbol': 'BTCUSDT', 'sumOpenInterest': '74055.80500000',
'sumOpenInterestValue': '4419354219.18000000', 'timestamp': '1714506900000'}},


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
period str the period for the open interest (e.g., '5m', '1h', '1d')
limit int the maximum number of data points to retrieve (default: 500)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of open interest data for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_historical_trades

def get_historical_trades(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            start_time: int = None,
            end_time: int = None,
            limit: int = 1000
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the historical trades for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_historical_trades = dc.crypto.get_historical_trades('binance', 'BTC/USDT', start_time=1620000000000, end_time=1621000000000, limit=500)
coinbase_historical_trades = dc.crypto.get_historical_trades('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', limit=200)

Historical trades: [{'info': {'a': '462350718', 'p': '56630.34', 'q': '0.003', 'f': '750315980', 'l': '750315980', 'T': '1620000000087', 'm': False},
'timestamp': 1620000000087, 'datetime': '2021-05-03T00:00:00.087Z', 'symbol': 'BTC/USDT:USDT', 'id': '462350718', 'order': None, 'type': None, 'side': 'buy',
'takerOrMaker': None, 'price': 56630.34, 'amount': 0.003, 'cost': 169.89102, 'fee': None, 'fees': []},


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
start_time int the start timestamp (default: None)
end_time int the end timestamp (default: None)
limit int the maximum number of trades to retrieve (default: 1000)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of historical trades for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_liquidations

def get_liquidations(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            start_time: int = None,
            end_time: int = None,
            limit: int = 1000
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the liquidations for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_liquidations = dc.crypto.get_liquidations('binance', 'BTC/USDT', start_time=1620000000000, end_time=1621000000000, limit=500)
coinbase_liquidations = dc.crypto.get_liquidations('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', limit=200)


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
start_time int the start timestamp (default: None)
end_time int the end timestamp (default: None)
limit int the maximum number of liquidations to retrieve (default: 1000)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of liquidations for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_futures_klines

def get_futures_klines(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            interval: str,
            start_time: int = None,
            end_time: int = None,
            limit: int = 1500
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the futures klines (candlestick data) for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_futures_klines = dc.crypto.get_futures_klines('binance', 'BTC/USDT', '5m', start_time=1620000000000, end_time=1621000000000, limit=1000)
coinbase_futures_klines = dc.crypto.get_futures_klines('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', '1h', limit=500)


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
interval str the kline interval (e.g., '1m', '5m', '1h', '1d')
start_time int the start timestamp (default: None)
end_time int the end timestamp (default: None)
limit int the maximum number of klines to retrieve (default: 1500)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of futures klines for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_futures_mark_price_klines

def get_futures_mark_price_klines(
            exchange: str,
            symbol: str,
            interval: str,
            start_time: int = None,
            end_time: int = None,
            limit: int = 1500
        ) -> Optional[List]

Get the futures mark price klines for a specific symbol on an exchange.


binance_futures_mark_price_klines = dc.crypto.get_futures_mark_price_klines('binance', 'BTC/USDT', '5m', start_time=1620000000000, end_time=1621000000000, limit=1000)
coinbase_futures_mark_price_klines = dc.crypto.get_futures_mark_price_klines('coinbase', 'ETH/USDT', '1h', limit=500)


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange (e.g., 'binance', 'coinbase')
symbol str the trading symbol (e.g., 'BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT')
interval str the kline interval (e.g., '1m', '5m', '1h', '1d')
start_time int the start timestamp (default: None)
end_time int the end timestamp (default: None)
limit int the maximum number of klines to retrieve (default: 1500)


Type Description
Optional[List] a list of futures mark price klines for the specified symbol on the exchange, or None if an error occurs

Method: get_ohlcv

def get_ohlcv(
            exchange: str,
            ticker: str,
            timeframe: str,
            start_date: str,
            end_date: str,
        ) -> pd.DataFrame

Get OHLCV data for a specific ticker and timeframe from a specific exchange.


ohlcv_data = await dc.crypto.get_ohlcv('binance', 'BTC/USDT', '1d', '2022-01-01', '2022-01-10')
ohlcv_data = await dc.crypto.get_ohlcv('binance', 'BTC/USDT', '1d', '2022-01-01', '2022-01-10', db_name='Mongo', source='ccxt', read_from_db=True)

OHLCV data:       open      high       low     close      volume
48   2022-01-02  47704.35  48000.00  46605.68  47280.00  184795.093
49   2022-01-03  47280.01  47575.22  45665.40  46445.81  244781.793
50   2022-01-04  46445.80  47524.36  45445.57  45833.42  292149.750
51   2022-01-05  45833.41  47075.29  42270.00  43421.69  485477.569
52   2022-01-06  43421.70  43766.00  42385.83  43080.01  299509.851
53   2022-01-07  43080.01  43135.00  40456.56  41553.86  473214.849
54   2022-01-08  41553.87  42335.00  40500.00  41688.05  283737.224
55   2022-01-09  41688.05  42773.85  41170.00  41851.22  223134.952


Name Type Description
exchange str name of the exchange
ticker str trading pair (e.g., 'BTC/USDT')
timeframe time period (e.g., '1m', '5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '1d')
start_date str start date (e.g., '2022-01-01')
end_date str end date (e.g., '2022-01-10')
db_name str the name of the database to read from/write to (e.g., 'Mongo')
source str used for reading / writing to the database, set in metadata
read_from_db bool whether to read data from the database
write_to_db bool whether to write data to the database


Type Description
pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame containing OHLCV data